Monday, May 23, 2011

the settling

in the tumble down evening
pieces fall into place

a slight rustling and shifting of
roots and leaves

the shadows soften
to the subtle drone of dust motes
settling into a velvet stupor

i'll sleep
and hold hope for
the gold-feathered stroke
of the morning sun


Linda Sue said...

I too hold hope- morning sun will not be however- nor afternoon- next ten days at least, as far as can be seen - rain.(love velvet stupor)

OceanoAzul.Sonhos said...

steven, in the tumble down evening, pieces fall into place, smoothly and quietly, shows hope in the blossoming of nature that unfolds with the morning sun.

Ruth said...

I love that first line, and trusting that the sun will rise, and still be golden.

Pauline said...

from the tumble down evening to the gold-feathered stroke, this is beautiful!

Reya Mellicker said...

You can say that again!

ellen abbott said...

lovely, soothing.

steven said...

linda sue i'm in a velvet stupor as i write! slept in. rain this afternoon. i'll watch a film. steven

steven said...

oa.s, the evening is all about gathering the pieces of the day ready to continue the climb up the helix of another day! steven

steven said...

ruth there's so much letting go in evenings. of a day, of life. gathering together the energies...... steven

steven said...

pauline thankyou. steven

steven said...

reya - really?! steven

steven said...

ellen - in the ideal evenings i crave, there's a collecting, a gathering and it's done quietly. of course there aren't a lot of those evenings. steven

Jo said...

From here in Missouri, it will come as no surprise to you that I saw a tornado in your photo at first.

The words "tumble down evening" held a different meaning for me, as well.

Still, I hold hope for the gold-feathered stroke of the morning sun, not only for me, but for all the victims and the families affected by the string of storms last night.

Friko said...

A peaceful good night, how dreamy.